The Astronaut and The Moon

Do you think the astronaut that floats in the galaxy light-years away,

has heart to hearts with the moon, up in space?

Do they whisper to each other about silly old things, like dogs and sweets and that one ex-fling?

Surely it gets lonely all up in the sky,

How often really, does the moon receive guests,

Just coming to say hi?

And Mr. Astronaut too must feel isolated at times,

All by his lonesome, watching the planets, as he zooms by

So they must find comfort when they meet one on one

For a brief chat

And a little bit of fun,

Before they must return to their respective duties

in the great open universe and all of its beauty

Yes, I like to think

That in spaces so vast and dark

Where it is so easy to hide away

in fear of all things unknown

That even the moon and the astronaut

Aren’t ever truly alone.


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